Monday, October 8, 2012

Aidan Rocks Soccer

You know what?  I don't think I talk enough about all of the things my little man CAN do and does SO WELL!

One of Aidan's biggest strengths is that he's an active kid.  Give him space to run or things to climb, and he's a happy man.  Mommy-and-Me Music Class just isn't quite his tempo, no matter how cute a toddler looks with a tambourine (very cute).

With this in mind, we decided to sign him up for soccer.  Yup, soccer.  And yes, he is indeed still 1.  I knew it would be... interesting.  And exhausting.  Stressful?  Hilarious!  Right up his alley :)

We begin with investigation.

Am I okay with this great big field?

Who are all these kids?  Are you sure you'll remember which one is me???

What the heck is this thing?!

Then, we notice why this place is so great.


 And now it's time to start working on the basics.

Looking super cute...

Remembering which ball is mine (are you SURE it's not "All of them"?)

Chasing my ball... Get back here!

Pretending I kicked that thing into there so Mommy and Daddy get excited...

Being super handsy with the ball and pretending I don't know what "use your feet" means...

A room full of toddlers in barely-controlled chaos, chasing balls and balloons around a field for 40 minutes?  This boy is in heaven.

Every day with him is a reminder that there is nothing he can't do.  Nothing that can slow him down.  And no reason to feel sorry for him.  Keep on kickin', little man!

1 comment:

  1. Aidan is so much more than his diagnoses. Woot, Soccer!!
