Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Toddle Along Tuesday - Cheap ways to entertain kids

I'm excited to link up again with Growing up Geeky for Toddle Along Tuesday!  This week's theme?  Entertaining your child on a budget.

As the reigning queen of fiscal responsibility (don't you laugh at me!), I'm happy to share some of my favorite tips for entertaining your toddler on the cheap.  For me, it really boils down to redefining entertainment.  My darling boy is 16 months old, so he generally looks to me to understand what's "fun." 

1. Let toys find them.  While I do housework, Aidan discovers ships, lightsabers, monsters, and magic wands.  I like to think he enjoys pretending to ship himself to China:

2. Let them help with the chores.  Triple bonus.  Chores need to get done, chores don't cost money, and it's totally a learning experience.  Aidan loves to help put away his own clothes.  As a mom, you will quickly learn the concept of "good enough."

3. Let them sort the junk mail.  Toddlers + Paper = Glee.  It defies explanation, but it works.

4. If your child is detail-oriented, make a "big mess" and let him clean it up.  It will take forever, and again, costs you nothing.

5. Bubbles!  Low in cost, high in awesomeness!  We spend a bit extra on Gymboree bubbles because they're great, but dollar stores have bubbles too!

6. Tissues? Wipes?  Unused, please.  If Paper + Toddler = Glee, then Paper + Container + Toddler = Nirvana.

And when all else fails, hit up your local consignment sales.  One trip to the sale got me this massive haul for under $20.


  1. Great ideas!! Henry enjoys most of these things too. I forgot to put bubbles in my post..but he LOVES those too :) Love all those consignment sale toys, too!

  2. Hey! I'm a new follower who found you through the "Toddle Along Tuesday" link up. Those are some great ideas! Isn't it nice when your little wants to help clean up (even if he sometimes ends up making a bigger mess)!?! And that's an awesome toy haul for under$20! Way to go!!

    1. Hi Briana! I **love** when he helps clean up - totally making good habits for the future, right?

  3. I love consignment sales! Those Fischer price blocks are one of my son's favorites.

    1. I can't imagine paying full price for baby toys...

  4. WOW, awesome consignment store haul! (The one near me is much pricier, I'm jealous of your deal!)

    1. I get sooooo excited when I find deals like this! :)

  5. ::Cough::Cough::Fiscal::Cough::Responsibility::Cough::Thirty-One::Cough::Cough::

    You are buy far the thrifties person I know. Aidan's toy bins and our "bulk supply" closet are indeed proof.
